Confident with your caravan insurers?

My recent experience with my caravan insurer, ****, leaves me with a dilemma as to whom I insure with next or do I stay with the one I now know?
I will not go through the details here, but you can read them on 'Pothole damages v's Insurance claim'.
You have damages in your van, you take down all the evidence, get witnesses, take photos, report ASAP, then you think...Job done, no problem with my claim until your insurers send round their assessor who is well experienced with car crashes but never ever
stayed in a caravan let alone have the experience about it's construction or takes the trouble to contact those who are in the know for their advice.
In my case, the assessor uses the words, 'my opinion', 'should have', 'have expected' and 'wear and tear'
If I hadn't fully inspected all the statements from assessors, council and insurers, I would be now looking at an insurance policy with no claims and £73 out of pocket?
You may need to ask your insurers questions like:
Who are your assessors? Are they qualified? Could you use your own qualified assessor as well as yours if you have a negative claim?