CLs near National Trust Historic Houses

BirchHillFarmCL Club Member Posts: 187
edited January 2014 in Certificated Locations #1

As National Trust members, we like to get our money's-worth from our membership fee.  We particularly enjoy going around NT historic houses, and they inevitably form part of our caravan holidays.

Can anyone recommend a CL with a particulary high-density of NT historic houses within about 45 minutes drive?

To kick-off the discussion, we have seven within that range of our CL:

Chirk Castle
- Erddig
- Shrewsbury Town Walls Watchtower 
- Attingham Park
- Cronkhill
- Powis Castle
- Sunnycroft 

Ian Kelly
01691 622951

Birch Hill Farm - an award-winning caravan site in the beautiful lake-lands of Shropshire - exclusively for members of the Caravan Club