None dog friendly members
Well I'm sorry to say that my start of a long summer of caravaning with my family and our 3 well behaved dogs has been ruined by unfriendly members on site! I've been approached by the warden who advised me he has had a complaint about my dogs 'barking constantly'
- he says he has monitored the situation for the last 2 days and has found no grounds to the complaint but I feel like packing up and going home!!! One of my dogs will bara sometimes if another dog comes near but not all the time and they have been loving
lying out in the sunshine. I take them out to the dog walk area at half 8 in the morning and then feed them in the awning before allowing them to blue out side tied up of course! In all honesty my 2 toddlers make more noise than the dogs and believe me my
kids are angels compared to a lot of children! the dogs are always in the caravan at 8pm when the kids go to bed. Hardly a nuisance to anyone! I'm so annoyed and upset that people can be so petty! Over half the caravans on this site have dogs, including all
the wardens and they all have the occasional bark. I think next year i won't bother with the caravan club!