Massive user payload, shame about the noseweight

Ageing Dj
Ageing Dj Club Member Posts: 36
edited March 2014 in Caravans #1

Can you please help me with this problem. I have taken delivery of a Bailey UnicornS2 Cartagena, I purchased the max weight upgrade expecting to gain 30k or so, but no the MTPLM is now 1800k giving an impresive 281k payload. Not bad for £60. Having loaded
under the bed with 2 aquarolls, aquawaste, vacuum cleaner, mains lead, boots and a few light bits and pieces. In the front lockers just toilet chemicals, waste pipes, light plastic levelling ramps and bits for setting up, all the kitchen bits in the middle.I
expected the nose weight to be light as Bailey have moved the gas to over the wheels. I got a reading of 120k on a milenco nose weight scale, about the same on bathroom scales and a alko jockey wheel with built in weight gauge, allowing for their set up equation.
Taking everything out from the front gave a reading of 115k. I had to put a full awning and poles weighing 65k in the space between the transverse bed and wash room wall to get a reading of 95k. 120k is not a problem for my tow car but I understand that the
hitch has a max of 100k. Am I getting an accurate reading as I have been told that twin axle caravans have little nose weight as the weight is spread over 4 wheels and that you can raise the jockey wheel without the front dropping down, though I must admit
I haven’t tried it. Would storing the awning under the bed be ok? I have a max weight upgrade so my MTPL is 1800k, but I would rather store the awning in the car to save weight in the caravan for other items.