Elddis180 buying 2nd hand anything to watch for?
hi all. We have found one of these. Five years old and looks great. Anything we should watch for before we take the plunge?? Layout is just what we want and yes aware of the water tank size. More interested in any mechanical or technical problems to watch
out for...
thanks all
Hi smudger, I have the smaller 100, same shape.
I would advise that you do, or get done, a thorough damp check, paying particular attention to the front right corner area of the luton (remove the mattress), also the floor around the rear wheel arches, these areas are known bad spots.
Check the date of the tyres, you dont want to fork out £600 for tyres when you have bought it. Recommended life is six years.
If the Mhome is five years old, then make sure that all habitation checks have been carried out annually and within the time scales, if not it may impart on your warranty.
If payload is a problem for you, then you should be able to get an upgrade of at least 250kg from a firm called SV Tech.
I would advise having a habitation check by a qualified mobile service engineer (£150 to £200) before purchase.
Check all service documents for the motor side making sure they are all up to date, also any recalls have been done. There is a battery upgrade which may apply to you. Also an upgrade for the spare wheel carrier may be applicable to your model(it is for mine)
If no gas bottle is included, then I would advise getting a safefill cylinder, Your leisure battery will be checked by the service engineer during the habitation check. As will your EHU cable and water fill pipes and adaptors.
If you decide to take theM'home, then make sure that you see everything working and understand how to operate them.
We have had our smaller one for five trouble free years and find it more than suits our needs even when taking three grandchildren away with us. I hope that you have the same, if you have any more questions then please ask and I will do all I can to help you..... Happy times.......
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Make sure the paperwork is in order otherwise you may finish up with a costly repair as above.
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Edit sorry
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You're welcome smudged, hope we helped, keep us informed...
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There is one 3 year old and us two adults. Not the largest family either at 70kg for me and 55 for the wife. The dog is also tiny....
No young kids driving so weight should be okay, but i will double double check....
Write your comments here...Will your 3 year old not grow any bigger and thus heavier!!