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Re: French Towing Speeds and Gross Train Weight
Slightly off the main subject, but important nonetheless : please remember that the national speed limit on all non motorway roads in France is 80kph, except for those departments which have increased it to 90kph.
Dual carriageways and other roads may be an exception.
It's a bit of a minefield when travelling long distance, but you just have to keep an eye out for the speed limit signs. More info here.

Re: French Towing Speeds and Gross Train Weight
I believe the author on the Practical Caravan forum is correct. I found this in my notes which I believe came from the Club a while back.
We have now received confirmation from the legal department of Automobile Club de France regarding speed limits:
Vehicle towing a caravan/trailer where the vehicle has a gross train mass of under 3.5t - or a motorhome that has a gross vehicle weight under 3.5t* Motorway 130**
Dual carriagway 110**
Single carriageway 90**
Motorhome which has a gross vehicle weight over 3.5t*
Motorway 110
Dual carriageway 100
Single carriageway 80
Vehicle towing a caravan/trailer where the vehicle has a gross train mass over 3.5t
Motorway 90
Dual carriageway 90
Single carriageway 80

Re: What are you all up to
We have had a cracking weekend, assisted by some lovely weather. Our new Sun terrace is coming on, new linear bed along fence has been planted, water butt moved and re set up, bit of mortaring around joints finished, sink pond emptied, scrubbed and ready for refilling.
Saturday night we went to a huge rock event at Sheffield Arena, Bryan Adams was in town! Love his music, first saw him in the mid 1990’s, and he’s just as good now. Haven’t been anywhere this packed since pre COVID, and you forget what huge events like this can be like. Fabulous concert.
Up again Sunday, and off to another Classic Car show, this time at a Garden Centre. Plenty of lovely cars, mainly Mini’s, MGs of all types and Morris Minors, but some good examples of other marques as well. Came home via a good water gardens nursery and stockist, got a new solar pump for sink pond. Couple of hours more in garden, putting bark chippings down, splitting water plants, then catching up with Giro D’Italia on TV. Fabulous race so far.
Hope those not so good are on the mend, others enjoying being out and about at home and away. Fields around us are a bit less water logged, greening up. Not seen and silaging yet though, although there were a few tractors flinging around on the roads.
Re: What are you all up to
Glad folks have been able to get out and about great photos Nth and Flyte as well some folk are amazing with these wooden sculptures I saw a lot done with a chainsaw at the RHS Malvern show.
Hope your family manage to get all the silage done Goldie146 there has been some done over here but been held up by awful storms.
Wish I could get in the garden as everything has grown so lush whilst we were away and shrubs need trimming back but weather looks better next week so hope we can get grass cut (could do with your tractor Goldie as it is so tall), your garden sounds good DEBSC and being able to eat outside just to wet here and very dark clouds about at the moment not our usual May weather.
OH hoping to get the car washed today as it got a bit dirty whilst away and white shows all the dirt.
It is Pentecost here today so yet another holiday and with all the days off this month and bridging them with the weekends they have had 10 days off not all folks though our local Carrefour is open until 1pm today and have noticed supermarkets are staying open on the holiday dates more this year and last year they need the revenue, so not allowed to use any noisy garden tools ie. lawnmowers, strimmers, ride on mowers, DIY with noisy tools etc because of the holiday a bit different to UK.

Re: What are you all up to
Two weeks now of on and off, mostly on, gardening. It’s now looking ok. Most of the newly purchased plants put out. Yesterday OH cut the grass in the back, it’s the only thing he will do as he hates gardening, it’s amazing how once the grass is cut it suddenly looks so much better. The bank at the back of the garden is becoming a bit of a problem as I try to negotiate getting back down it, I may have to think about getting some help there next year, but have put in some ground cover for now. A whole green bin full of finished bluebell foliage, that always makes it look tidier. Beautiful weather here, wall to wall sunshine, such a change. I’ve put weed and feed on the front lawn so thursdays forecast of rain won’t be unwelcome from me as the hose won’t reach that far. It was so lovely that we sat out last evening to eat our evening meal, rather than the dining room.
Our new neighbours seem very pleasant, including their dog, the previous ones were also nice but I can’t say that I’m sorry that the 4 cats have gone, my garden already looks better without them and now all the fledgling birds at least stand a chance.
Our granddaughter who just passed her driving test has just phoned to ask if she and her boyfriend can come over for lunch as they both have the day off work. Lovely that she can get over more often now that she can drive. Lunch in the now tidy garden then.
Re: What are you all up to
Lovely photos again nellie. Great to see Flyte as well. You seem to have been lucky with the weather this trip.
After 3 days of rain the weather picked up and yesterday especially was lovely. As our garden help didnt come this week because of the rain our garden was beginning to look like a jungle so we have spent most of the weekend cutting the grass and generally cutting back and tidying it so it looks a lot better. I am off to the osteopath this morning.
Re: What are you all up to
Rather cloudy today, and a fair bit cooler, so ideal for a castle visit, Crathes this time, with being able to leave Flyte in the car when we viewed the property. Firstly walk around a small part of the estate before lunch then we went round the castle and the beautiful walled garden and a final walk before heading back to the van.
Looks good weather in Cumbria, Goldie, hope that it continues for you, and hopefully for our builder too!!
Re: Magazines!
It is rather obvious that you have it in for the RM, whereas, as David suggested earlier, the problem could just as easily be a problem with the company that distributes the magazine to the RM, for the club, who you plainly see as not being responsible for the delay, without proof that is not them at fault I may add.
Re: What are you all up to
It's definitley not No Mow May here. It's perfect weather for mowing - for silaging. We started yesterday afternoon with my son mowing 50 - 60 acres (maybe more - I missed what he said). Then this morning my husband started "rowing up" (putting 2 rows into one). And now my son is following on with the Forage Wagon (picking up and chopping) and taking the loads back to the pit where my Grandson is buck-raking - using the tele handler to pile the grass up. Team effort.
My part is feeding the team - empty ice cream boxes filled with suitable food to rattle around in the tractor.